

      Hi @ all!!!
      Ich hätte da mal eine mega wichtige Frage...
      Ich bin schon seit jetzt schon ganz ganz langer Zeit auf der suche nach einem Textübersetzungsprogramm. Oder einfach nur jemanden, der mir helfen kann. Denn bei meinem lieblings Computerspiel, "DragonRiders" komme ich einfach nicht weiter. Und ich würde es so gerne entlich mal weiter spielen!!!

      Deswegen wollte ich EUCH einfach mal fragen ob ihr mir das "Lösungsbuch" übersetzten könntet???
      Das hab ich auf cheats.de gefunden. Aber leider gibt es das nur auf Englisch!!!
      Und so gut muss ich ehrlich zugeben bin ich da nicht.
      Vor allem dadurch, dass ich seit einem Jahr kein Englisch mehr hatte. Aber nächstes Jahr werde ich das wieder haben!!!

      Ich würde mich sehr über hilfe freuen!!!

      Ganz Lieben Gruß

      Ich setze mal die Erste Seite mit rein...
      Hoffentlich traut es sich jemand zu...
      Ich würde dann den Text auch per e-mail schicken

      Dragon Riders - Chronicles of Pern

      Walkthrough for Chapter 1
      The following is a complete list of all the things you need to do in order to complete chapter 1 effectively. Please note that the following is presented in quest order and not it the order you need to complete tasks in the game, as effectively there is no set path to follow, you are free to do as you will.
      Upper Levels - Oiling Zenth:
      Take the bottle of oil from the shelves on the back wall of your room (and you can let your dragon give you a tutorial on how to use items in your inventory).
      Take the brush lying on the ground in the next room.
      Walk to where your dragon is, select the oil and use it.
      Now select the brush and use it.
      Watch the sequence.
      Walk back into your room and take the other exit on the left of the screen.
      Zenth will remind you about your riding gear, which is now ready, and you should go and collect it.
      Upper Levels - Getting your belt-knife and learning to fight:
      Go and see K’tan in the weyr next to yours.
      Walk up to him and select him.
      After giving you back your knife, he will offer you to learn how to fight with it.
      Follow the instructions during the tutorial, you will learn your knife skill.
      If you choose to continue to fight K’tan, you will get your first strength bonus.
      Upper Levels – Talking to Lockenn and getting your journal.
      Talk to Lockenn in the library at the far end of the upper levels. He has lost his journal.
      Offer to find it for him and take the map to help you. You can select the map by pressing the map button on the inventory screen.
      Go to the middle levels via the stairs, and talk to Lytah, she can be found on the left of the level in the recessed room opposite the dais.
      She has found Lockenn’s journal. Offer to take it from her and return it.
      Take the journal back to Lockenn in the Upper Levels. He has had a new one made in your absence and gives the new one to you.
      Go to see Kevan on the Lower levels. He can be found to the left of the main stairs.
      He will teach you to scribe and now you have your journal!

      Collecting your riding gear.
      Dorn can be found on the lower levels to the right of the main stairs (opposite to Kevan the scribe). Just talk to him and he will give you your riding gear.

      Upper Levels – Getting clues from V’kai.
      V’kai is the leader of fort Weyr and can be found in the open room opposite the meeting table.
      If you do not have enough reputation, he will tell you to come back when you do.
      If you do have enough reputation, he will give you some clues as to how many potential Weyrwomen can be found on Pern.

      Middle Levels – A pearl for Lytah.
      Having spoken to Lytah for the first time she will request a pearl for her nameday (birthday).
      If you wish to complete this quest, you must have the crossbow that Jillan gives you to trap Trunblebugs.
      The Oysters in which there might be a pearl inside are located in the small lake of the Mastersmith Hall and in the border shores of Ista Beach. Use he crossbow to open the oysters after which you can pick them up.
      Only one oyster has the pearl that Lytah require. All other oyters can be picked up and added into your inventory as edible oysters (give you some health points if needed).

      Middle Levels / Kitchens - Helping N’eth.
      You heard some rumours that N’eth was indiscreet the previous night, during Nalaya’s farewell.
      Go and speak to him, he is in the first room to the left of the dais in the middle levels.
      He will explain his predicament. Now offer to help him.
      Go up to the kitchens, they can be found up the stairs on the right of the level.
      Go and speak to Tom the cook, he is in the main kitchen area. Apologise on N’eth’s behalf (and tell you that you should come see him again if you get to go to Fort Hold, which you will later in the game!).
      Go back to see N’eth in the middle levels. He will thank you and award you with some information.
      Das einzige, was mir dazu einfällt - gib es mal hier ein:


      Ist zwar teilweise recht abenteuerlich, was da rauskommt, aber vielleicht hilft es dir ja...

      Viel Glück und Spaß beim Spielen!
      Liebe Grüße
      Ein Hund kommt, wenn du ihn rufst - Eine Katze nimmt es wohlwollend zur Kenntnis und kommt ggf. später darauf zurück :wink:
      Vielen, vielen Dank ich konnte jetzt auf der amerikanischen Seite den gesamten Text übersetzten.
      Und die Stichprobn, die ich gelesen habe waren auch kein Kaudawelsch.
      Ich werde es mir jetzt richtig durchlesen und dann entlich, nach so langer Zeit weiter Spielen!!!

      Es ist eine neue Sonne aufgegangen !!!
      Ihr könnt euch gar nicht vorstellen, wie mir das Herz springt!!!

      Ganz Lieben und unheimlich frohlichen und glücklichen Gruß
      EURE *maria*